24 February, 2014

In which I visit one of the 7 New Wonders of the World and kind of freak out about it

It's the afternoon of my departure from Israel, and I'm only now finally getting around to blogging about the past month's adventures. I'm pathetically behind. It's actually at the point where it's a source of stress for me, because I seem to have the unwieldy combination of a Type-A personality and a strong lazy streak. I've been incredibly busy, though, so that's the excuse I'm sticking to. 

So without further ado, here is the Blog Post About The Time I Went To Jordan. Fair warning: I'm gonna anticipate that this post is going to have about a 10:1 picture to text ratio seeing as the photos are so, so much more incredible than I could ever do justice to in description. Okay. Disclaimer over. Here's the post forreal now. 

We crossed the border in the south. There was a minor hitch at the border when a suspicious unclaimed bag caused the Israeli border police to evacuate everybody (at a sprint) to a parking lot for a short time, but we still made it through to Jordan relatively easily and quickly. Some first views of downtown Aqaba and the drive north:

After a 2 hour drive, we reached Wadi Musa, the valley where Petra lies. Petra itself was unbelievable to behold. Honestly, I don't know how to put into words how beautiful, how impressive, how stunning it is. 

I've dreamt of seeing Petra ever since I first watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when I was young- long before I knew if it was a real place, let alone where in the world it was, I knew I had to visit it someday. Turning a corner and getting my first glimpse of the Treasury, the structure made famous by the film (it's where Indy finds the holy grail) was a surreal moment. I may have hyperventilated a bit. There might've been a couple of involuntary tears... but I was wearing my Ray-Bans, so the world will never know. 

While I was only in Petra for a (very long) day, I'm so glad I went. It's definitely one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. And getting a small window into Jordan was fascinating. 

Until next time,


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